Google still dominates AI search performance: SOCi
According to search focus marking platform SOCi, Google's (GOOG, GOOGL) AI search software continues to outperform its competitors, while OpenAI's ChatGPT pales in comparison, coming in dead last. SOCi CEO Afif Khoury joins Asking For a Trend to discusses the study's methodology and findings.
Khoury elaborates on the findings: "The spin on it may currently not be in favor of GPT in the sense that, generative AI tools, they have access to the internet. So GPT has access to this local data as much as Bing or Google do because it's public, publicly found information, but it does come down to how they write their algorithms and what they prioritize and Google has been in the local game for a long time and heavily prioritizes that data. So I wouldn't say it's unfair in that different companies have access to different information, but if when you pick a certain topic, some may be better than others for that topic, depending on what they prioritize."
For more expert insight and the latest market action, click here to watch this full episode of Asking for a Trend.
This post was written by Nicholas Jacobino
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