Cruise lines are a 'better product' post-COVID: Analyst
The cruise industry has is in focus attention due to its fast post-pandemic growth. Citi Leisure & Travel analyst James Hardiman joins Market Domination to break down his bullish outlook for the sector.
Hardiman observes that the cruise industry is finally moving beyond the "COVID catch-up trade," adding that cruise lines now offer a "better product" than before the pandemic. This improvement comes at a time when land-based travel is experiencing unprecedented challenges, creating what Hardiman calls "an opportunity" for the cruise industry to capture market share as demand rises.
Regarding Hurricane Milton's potential impact on the cruise industry, Hardiman doesn't anticipate any lasting effects. He points out that cruise ships are mobile assets, often able to navigate away from storms. In unforeseen circumstances requiring cancellations, he notes that consumers typically have various options to choose from.
From an investment perspective, Hardiman declares the cruise sector as his "favorite" citing its growth potential. He singles out Royal Caribbean (RCL) as a standout stock, describing it as "best in breed" and praising the company for excelling "beyond their competition" in numerous aspects.
To watch more expert insights and analysis on the latest market action, check out more Market Domination here.
This post was written by Angel Smith
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