Double Amputee Paralympic Champion Cheers on Boy Using First Prosthesis in Oklahoma City

908 次觀看・4 年前

Blake Leeper, Paralympic medalist and double amputee, cheered for a young boy learning to use his first prosthesis in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.

Footage taken by Randy Titony shows Leeper and the boy, KJ, practicing using his prosthesis down a hallway. “You’re doing great!” Leeper says to KJ, walking towards him. “You’re doing awesome!”

“Blake Leeper, the world’s fastest amputee came to us (Scott Sabolich Prosthetics) about 4 years ago,” Titony told Storyful, “and after we made his new running prostheses, he broke world records.”

“He returned a few weeks ago for some new legs in his quest to run in the Tokyo Olympic or Paralympics. While at our facility, he met KJ, a little boy receiving his first prosthesis following an accident.”

Leeper had beaten Oscar Pistorius’s T43 400 meter Paralympic World record in 2017. Credit: Randy Titony via Storyful