
每天都有新50萬用戶通過Twitch直播,觀眾達到1500萬以上。遊戲被認為是該網站的支柱,但也有音樂家、編織達人、故事大王、美妝達人和各類創意人士正在直播。有這樣一個多元化和強互動的用戶群體,Twitch能夠給我們關於沉浸式娛樂的哪些事? 林士斌 (Kevin Lin), Twitch 【Multiplayer entertainment: The next level of media in Asia】 You've heard of young audiences in Asia and around the world watching their favorite online personalities play video games, travel, sing, or just talk. What does this trend tell us about technology and the future of media consumption? Join Kevin Lin, Co-Founder of Twitch, the world's leading service and community for multiplayer entertainment, where content is live and created by the shared interactions of millions of viewers and content creators. Kevin will recount the history of Twitch, what it taught the company about media habits of Millennials and Generation Z, and how interactive video formats will change entertainment in Asia and beyond. Hear of case studies of successful programming on Twitch, the company's content strategy in Asia, and the power of playing with what you watch. Date: Wed, Jul 10, 2019 Time: 16:15-16:35 Center Stage