Rocket Lab CEO Peter Beck talks scaling the space industry
At TechCrunch Disrupt in San Francisco, Rocket Lab's founder and CEO Peter Beck sat down with senior editor Devin Coldewey to discuss the space industry.
Together the two delve into Rocket Lab's strategic mission of scaling the space industry and its approach to spacecraft manufacturing and supply chain management. Beck also shared updates on the company's current space missions and future initiatives.
Be sure to check out more from TechCrunch Disrupt here.
Below are time codes for some of Beck's key points:
00:03:30 Why the space industry is struggling with scaling
00:06:07 How RocketLab came to be a supplier of titanium spheres
00:09:36 Lessons Beck learned when becoming a spacecraft manufacturer
00:12:40 Beck discusses the competition for securing talent in the industry
00:13:42 Beck discusses the project/mission he is most currently excited for
00:16:13 The impact of politics on the space industry
00:21:09 How the space industry is impacted by defense regulation
This post was written by Angel Smith
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