Nighttime Lights at Hogwarts Castle returns to Universal Studios Hollywood

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Lumos, Muggles — prepare for utter illumination this summer as you apparate into Hogsmeade Village at the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. This month, it won’t be the frothy butterbeers or a broomstick ride through the Forbidden Forest that’ll do you in, but the Sorting Hat’s sweeping celebration of the four houses of Hogwarts come to life every evening starting at sundown. Nighttime Lights at Hogwarts Castle is back at Universal Studios in Hollywood through Aug. 19, so don a house sweater and settle out in front of Hogwarts Castle for the spectacle of a lifetime. Slytherins will be stoked to see a serpent wriggle around on the castle’s highest tower, while Gryffindors will go wild and watch in awe of the regal lion projected onto the cliffs below the castle. Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs, admittedly you may not get a lot of love out of the lights display, but you’ll still feel welcome as ever by the cheers of your brothers and the animate John Williams score that can get anyone’s heart pumping. And if you don’t, here’s a pro tip: The line for Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey inexplicably disapparates during each of the several showings of the Nighttime Lights, so hit that up after a day of gallivanting through the land of Fizzing Whizbees, floating Yule Ball gowns, and chugging trains.