'Ukraine will never forgive Russia' - Russian Nobel laureate

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STORY: Russia's military campaign in Ukraine has killed tens of thousands, left some Ukrainian cities wastelands and triggered Moscow's biggest confrontation with the West since the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis.

Muratov, the long-time editor-in-chief of Novaya Gazeta, one of the last independent media outlets in Russia, said Ukraine would never agree to peace or to the annexation of any of its territory.

"Ukraine will never forgive Russia," Muratov, who co-founded Novaya Gazeta in 1993 with money from Gorbachev's Nobel Peace Prize, said in an interview in his office.

Muratov said that modern technology had brought the horrors of the war home to people, along with the devastation of the battle for Mariupol in southern Ukraine and the claims of war crimes against Russian soldiers in Irpin and Bucha.

"You many want to forgive everything, but you click in the search engine: Mariupol, Irpin or Bucha. And you can't forgive a goddamn thing anymore," Muratov said. "Every step of this war, every crime and every shot, every torn scrotum will now remain forever."

Ukraine has accused Russia of war crimes. Russia says such accusations are a lie. The Russian government did not respond to a request for comment on Muratov's remarks.