Timelapse Captures 'Best Aurora' Northern Lights Chaser Has Ever Seen

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An aurora chaser in Fairbanks, Alaska, captured a stunning timelapse of the northern lights during a severe geomagnetic storm on Thursday, March 23.

Video recorded by professional aurora chaser Vincent Ledvina shows intense multicolored waves of green, pink and purple wave through the night sky.

Ledvina told Storyful it was the “best aurora” he had “ever seen”.

“At one time, it looked like the entire sky was pulsing with green liquid, with the entire sky looking like it had a green oil sheen blanketing the stars,” he said.

“At other times, the aruora took on more familiar forms such as spirals, curtains, rays, and beads. The entire night was full of action.” Credit: Vincent Ledvina via Storyful