Spanish Air Force Combats Raging Wildfires in Portugal
The Spanish Air Force sent two firefighting aircrafts to combat wildfires in Portugal on Monday, September 16, one day before Portuguese Prime Minister Luis Montenegro declared a state of emergency in all municipalities affected by the fires.
According to the Spanish Air Force, two Canadair aircrafts from the Air Force’s 43rd Group performed approximately 70 water drops across central and northern Portugal.
They coordinated with other aircrafts from France and Italy as part of the European Union-funded rescEU mission, designed to protect citizens from disasters and manage emerging risks.
Footage from the Spanish Air Force shows an aircraft performing a water drop in Sever do Vouga.
At least seven people have died as a result of the fires, including four firefighters, The Portugal News reported.
According to Lusa News Agency, there were 95 active wildfires in mainland Portugal on Thursday, September 19. Credit: Spanish Air Force via Storyful
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