Trump indictment: Impact on markets

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Former President Donald Trump has been indicted for a second time, with charges linked to Trump's handling of classified documents after he left the White House. Yahoo Finance spoke to experts, analysts, and reporters regarding the impact on Trump's presidential bid and the market outlook.

Yahoo Finance's Jennifer Schonberger broke down the charges against Trump. Schonberger said, "Federal prosecutors unsealing an indictment, outlining 37 charges against former President Donald Trump for mishandling classified documents after leaving office."

Longtime Democratic strategist James Carville discussed the indictment and what it means for 2024. Carville said, "It seems to me that any Republican who veers into thinking this is a serious issue that compromises national security is not going to fare very well among other Republicans ... the politics of it are going to be just stupendous to watch."

Yahoo Finance senior columnist Rick Newman did not think the new indictment will have an impact on Republican voters or the markets. Newman said, "Amazingly, this does not really hurt Trump among Republican voters ... this is probably a reasonably good outlook for markets."

Bloomberg Opinion columnist John Authers shared a similar view on the state of the market. Authers said, "If the stock market is right ... whether he's indicted or not isn't going to make much of a difference."

Video highlights:

00:00:03 - Yahoo Finance's Jennifer Schonberger

00:00:19 - Political strategist James Carville

00:00:45 - Yahoo Finance senior columnist Rick Newman

00:01:17 - Bloomberg Opinion columnist John Authers