How Tesla’s Dojo supercomputer will supercharge self-driving vehicle technology
Tesla (TSLA) has been receiving a lot of attention over its new AI project: the Dojo supercomputer. The company has invested billions in advancing supercomputing architecture to efficiently and more accurately train its self-driving software.
Dojo is designed to process vision and recognition data and input that information in Tesla’s machine learning models. The excitement surrounding Dojo stems from its ability to handle millions of terabytes of video data per second. Tesla projects that the Dojo will be in the top five most powerful supercomputers in the world by early 2024.
The company’s goal is to effectively process this large amount of sensory data captured from real-life situations in over four million Tesla cars.
Yahoo Finance’s Auto Reporter Pras Subramanian joins the NEXT series to break down the next big thing in autonomous car technology.
The NEXT Big Thing is the social companion to our big bold series NEXT.
For more from this episode of NEXT:
Self-Driving Cars: The Road to Autonomy (full episode)
Cashing in: How to invest in self-driving technology
NEXT: Driverless cars go mainstream
How May Mobility is bringing self-driving cars to the streets
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