Electricity Cut to Parts of Rivne Oblast After Russian Missile Strike

1,289 次觀看・11 個月前

Civilian infrastructure was damaged in the western Ukrainian city of Rivne early on Thursday, September 21, during a wave of Russian missile attacks that knocked out electricity in parts of the region, officials said.

Governor Vitaliy Koval said a service station and vehicles were damaged but no one was injured. Earlier he said in a Telegram video that electricity had been cut off to parts of the region after electric infrastructure was damaged.

Aerial video from Rivne showed damage to an auto service station in the northwest part of the city.

Kyiv said its air defense systems intercepted 36 of 43 Russian Kh-101 cruise missiles fired in waves of airstrikes starting around 3:40 am local time on Thursday. Credit: State Emergency Service of Ukraine via Storyful