How Individual Investors can beat out Warren Buffett

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Warren Buffett’s reputation as a legendary investor earned him swarms of fans looking for advice on how to become the next Buffett, but his value investing strategy isn’t too complicated. In an interview with Yahoo Finance’s Rachelle Akuffo, Jonathan Boyar, President of Boyar’s Intrinsic Value Research, said retail investors have an advantage over ‘The Oracle of Omaha.’

“Berkshire, because of its size, can’t buy small-cap stocks and that’s the cheapest area of the market,” said Boyar, “So individual investors have a big leg up on buffet in that regard as there are plenty of stocks selling at significantly below intrinsic."

When asked for his top picks among the small-caps, Boyar says the following are attractive:

1. The Howard Hughes Corporation (HHC)

2. Levi Strauss & Co. (LEVI)

3. Madison Square Garden Entertainment Corp. (MSGE)

Watch our full conversation with Jonathan Boyar here.