All Markets Summit
All Markets Summit Extra Asia 全球市場高峰會
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The Yahoo Finance All Markets Summit Extra Asia returns to Hong Kong! Since our last event, the global economy has been on a rollercoaster ride whilst new technologies like the blockchain have drastically shifted the way we do business in both real and virtual worlds. At the Yahoo Finance! All Markets Summit Extra Asia 2022, we will bring together the pioneers, creators and industry forerunners from across Asia to further investigate hot topics like digital assets, NFTs, Metaverse and Web3. Our speakers will share their success and learnings, future applications, and other paradigm shifts we should expect as we foray into the economy of tomorrow. Yahoo財經 All Markets Summit Extra Asia載譽歸來!自去年峰會首度舉行至今,全球虛擬經濟一直風起雲湧,急劇轉變市場形勢猶如過山車。此外,區塊鏈技術及其帶來的業務創新與業務無縫接軌並帶來深遠的變革,於現實和虛擬世界中穿梭遊走的營商模式正蔓延至各行各業。Yahoo財經 All Markets Summit Extra Asia 2022雲集自亞洲各地的行業先驅、創造者和行業領袖,深入探討數碼資產、NFT、元宇宙和 Web3 等虛擬經濟議題。 您將聽到主題演講和研討會的專家講者分享他們的於虛擬經濟的經歷及最佳範例、市場未來的看法,並大談各種將重塑新世界經濟的新趨勢。想於虛擬經濟起伏之中運籌帷幄,絕對不能錯過今年的峰會。